Special lecture series 3: Framtid Sápmi 3: HHow Is Reindeer Herding Affected by a Changing Climate?

12 December 2024, 18:00

Lectures and talks

Stadshuset Kristallen, floor 5 and Hägerstensåsens medborgarhus

Lecture by Gunhild Ninis Rosqvist, Professor in Geography
at Stockholm University. Respondent: Matti Blind Berg, Chairman of the National Association of the Sámi People in Sweden.

A notable article published in the journal Nature last year showed that 85% of the surface area of the Cap of the North is being exploited for different kinds of economic activity. The competitive land use is currently hindering the adaptation of reindeer herding to increasingly complicated environmental conditions. Gunhild Ninis Rosqvist, who has spent much of her career studying the effects of climate change on the environment of northern Sweden, will be presenting her findings. She is currently working on a research project with the Swedish title “Att undvika den gröna omställningens dilemma: Behovet av klimatkonsekvensanalyser för områden med renskötsel i Sápmi,” (Avoiding the Dilemma of the Green Transition: The Need for Impact Assessments for Areas with Reindeer Husbandry in Sápmi).

Gunhild Ninis Rosqvist is a Professor of Geography at Stockholm University, studying fell and Arctic regions. Her focus is on climate change and how it affects snow, ice, water, reindeer herding, and sustainable land use.